Doodle to Connect

Mental Health

One of THOSE days... finding that inner compassionate voice.

Do you ever have one of those days…

Either it feels that nothing goes right, there’s just too much to do, or everything you say comes out wrong.

We might start the day feeling very optimistic, “Today will be a good day!” And if you’re anything like me, some mishap occurs within the first few minutes of waking up… “Ugh! The toilet paper roll is empty?” “I spilled my coffee… again.” Life is riddled with small little incidents that can throw us off course. If we let them.

Tandy enc…

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Surviving my first silent retreat!

I always come back to this…

Let your thoughts go. Be here now. Focus on your breath.

A couple of years ago I attended my first weekend silent retreat. How hard could it be to be silent for 48 hours. It was hard (and I cheated a little bit). I’m pretty sure the only reason my head didn’t explode was that I cheated and talked to my hubby at night. Oh and I also texted my daughter. Okay, so maybe I cheated a lot!

I felt pretty confident going in as I practice meditation and mindfulness quite a…

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