Doodle to Connect


Doodle Lesson to help you ground yourself

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Do you ever find your mind wandering during the day?

If you're like me, you find your mind meanders down many paths each day! 🤪

You may start out with a pleasant storyline and before you know it a familiar sense of dread, panic, or anger infiltrates your mind.

Uh oh... you were having a lovely morning walk, looking around and then out of no-where, there's the conversation you just had with your partner playing out in your mind again or maybe worry sets in about the meeting with your boss next…

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Carrying your Inner Child 💞


I remember moments when my children were young, full of emotion, and basically inconsolable.

Oh so many days, right?!

In those moments they didn't need a lecture about their behavior or how they were expressing themselves. 

They needed support. They needed love. A lot of the time they simply needed carried.

I find the same is true for our Inner Child.

As we work towards embodied wholeness, there will be moments when you become aware that a part of you is struggling.

On an adult level, we m…

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A Doodle Exercise to Stop Outsourcing Approval

Thumbs up blog 8.1.22

Do you find yourself in an everlasting loop of seeking approval from someone on the outside?

Welcome to the club. The icky yucky truth is we can sometimes never get enough reassurance from anyone on the outside club!

Building an inner committee of support that's always there to remind us that we are:

  • okay
  • doing good enough
  • loving and lovable
  • kind
  • fun
  • imperfectly perfect

It takes time to build our inner committee of support... and I found little creative tricks to help along the way…

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Affirmations create new neural pathways

email newsletter:blog 7.26.22

We hear messages from every angle to think positively, look on the bright side, or be grateful.

Yet if you're anything like me, your brain interjects a BIG "yeah, but" or maybe a simple "hmpfh" squeaks out of your mouth in disbelief.

Our internal defense systems, old patterns for safety, and subconscious core negative beliefs are right there to raise a flag in disagreement the minute something positive is introduced into our system.

This doesn't make you defective, disordered, or broken dear …

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Mindfulness & Self-Compassion Doodle Lesson

This Doodle Lesson discusses Mindfulness & Self-Compassion.

Materials used:

Happy Doodling,

Dr. Trish

Video is 5 minutes in length, set to music. Music courtesy of: (acoustic breeze)

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