Doodle to Connect

Art Therapy

Noticing Your Daily Routine: Create your own Journal Pages

My Daily Routine Thumbnail

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Doodle Lesson to help you ground yourself

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Do you ever find your mind wandering during the day?

If you're like me, you find your mind meanders down many paths each day! 🤪

You may start out with a pleasant storyline and before you know it a familiar sense of dread, panic, or anger infiltrates your mind.

Uh oh... you were having a lovely morning walk, looking around and then out of no-where, there's the conversation you just had with your partner playing out in your mind again or maybe worry sets in about the meeting with your boss next…

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Embodied Art isn't supposed to be pretty

Blog- embodied art photo 8.23.22

I find myself in a season of emotional unfolding.

You may as well. 

This season isn't asking for a deep analysis. It is asking for time, space to just be, and deep compassion for all of who we were in the past... or who we thought we needed to be. 

This season is asking for a turning inward.

Embracing a new way of being can often bring forward years of blocked or repressed emotions, thoughts, and patterns of living so deeply embedded in our neurons that they freely run in the background as …

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Collaging Your Mind and Heart

This collaging exercise invites you to use word cutouts from magazines to express your head and heart. 

Materials to gather:

  • Old magazines
  • Copy paper or journal 
  • Marker or Pen
  • Scissors
  • Glue Stick

If you would like to print out a copy of the Doodle Person for your collage words you can access it here.

Happy Collaging,

Dr. Trish

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